
STOP PRESS:  Am on the Worthing Theatre Trail this September performing “Reflections in Rhyme” with the lovely Nadya Henwood – see the events page for more details. It would be lovely to see you!

Reflections in Rhyme is an amusing, quirky, poignant, wry look at the odd twists and turns that life has taken in the last few years, mostly in rhyme.  Nadya & Sue have joined creative forces to present a poetical potpourri of their rhymes – reflecting on our recent shared history with some extra added zing!

This is not just poetry – this is N&S poetry…

What colours do you need today?

Reds – action, grounding and doing – dancing, discipline.

Oranges – enjoyment, getting into the swing, getting it together.

Yellows – joy, sunshine, learning new things

Greens – space, direction, decisions. heart, nature nurture

Blues – communication, writing, singing, intuition

Violets – transformation, change, death, service and healing

Pinks – creativity, love and strength, nurture

The Colourcafe is open – make mine a soya cappuccino.

It’s only true if it’s true for you

It seems essential to encourage all at this time to take time to look inside to whatever you call god for “transformation” rather than always outside for “information”.  Check out the “Thought for the day” on one of my favourite sites.  Maybe look at it and then ask inside,  is this true and helpful for me?  https://www.radiosai.org/pages/thought.asp

If you are inspired, write or suggest your own  – why not create a daily reading book for yourself!   If they are positive, uplifting and inspire you, they also might inspire someone else.

Watch my movie below for a bit of reflective inspiration.

My Movie